2014 NCPEA Blog
Carleton R. Holt, President-Elect & Executive Board Member
Pauline Sampson, Executive Board Member
Affiliate Operation and Directory
At the NCPEA Annual Summer Conference in
the Meadowlands, New Jersey, the State Affiliate gathering was held in the ballroom
on Tuesday, August 6, 2014. Dr. Pauline
Sampson welcomed attendees, reminding those from states not already organized
that NCPEA has a State Affiliate Website Section located at http://ncpeaprofessor.org/wp-admin/&reauth=1/ncpea-affiliates/
with twelve states identified. If your state
is organized you can contact Angela Elkordy, aelkordy@emich.edu, to add your
NCPEA institutional affiliate information.
Pauline introduced Dr. Carleton Holt
from Arkansas who shared their website information while reviewing their
organizational purpose, development of constitution, by-laws, and connections
with established committees of the Arkansas Department of Education, the Arkansas
Association of Educational Administrators, the Secretary of Education, and
legislative committees. Other affiliates
may also use this website at http://arpea.uark.edu/
as an example for developing similar operations with other institutions in
their home states.
Dr. Ted Creighton at tcreigh@vt.edu reported that NCPEA will
publish a state journal for $450. We
have nine state contacts in the research directory. While enjoying refreshments the following
representatives shared information about their State's operation:
- Pat Maslin-Ostrowski Florida pmaslin@fau.edu
- Deb Erickson California drderickson@aol.com
- Glenn L. Koonce, Virginia, glenkoo@regent.edu
- Chris Pritchett, Alabama, cgpritchett@troy.edu
- Carleton Holt, Arkansas, cholt@uark.edu
- Heidi Flavian, Israel, Heidi.flavian@gmail.com
- Will Place, Pennsylvania, aplace@SIU.edu
- Ted Zigler, Ohio, ziglert@ohiodominican.edu
- Barbara Klocko, Michigan, klock1ba@emich.edu
- John Shinsky, Michigan, shinskjo@gusu.edu
- Suzanne Klein, Michigan, csklein@oakland.edu
- Brad Bizzell, Virginia, bbizzell@radford.edu
- Pauline Sampson, Texas, sampsonp@sfasu.edu
- Mark Shelton, Oregon, mschelton@georgefox.edu
- James Berry, Michigan, jberry@emich.edu
Michigan stated that they have 18 institutions with
educational leadership prep programs.
Michigan reported on a successful
virtual graduate symposium for their students to present and get feedback on
research papers. They feel the need for
a new website and are working on redoing their by-laws. They have a representative from the state who
is at their meetings every time. They
have changed standards and done crosswalks for certifications. Alternative certification is most challenging
now. It is time consuming and takes away
from the programs. They are working with
the Wallace Foundation for outreach.
They also are going to professional meetings to have a presence. They are looking at teacher leadership as
part of the education leadership. They
have 14 institutions with educational leadership. They use credit cards for membership. They have two meetings each year with 200
members last year.
Oregon has nine institutions with educational
leadership programs. They have
contracted with Concordia. They have
been able to work with the Commissioner to make sure they are at the table.
Texas reported that they have a journal which is
published three times a year and that they meet two times a year and present in
conjunction with two state major conferences of Texas Association of School
Administrators and Texas Association of School Boards.
Florida has new accountability standards. They are using the value added for school
principals. Since graduates take awhile
to get administration positions, their concerns are alternate routes to
certification. School districts such as
Miami Dade may do own programs of certification. Therefore the numbers at public universities
with educational leadership programs are down.
Teachers are not given increases in salary stipends unless they go into
administration. Universities are not
hiring as many tenure track positions.
Ohio is similar to Florida in concerns. They are watching conservative ideas from
Race to the Top. The number of students
in the Master’s programs is decreasing. The teacher leader endorsement has
picked up.
New York stated that they had 56 institutions with
education leadership programs working together on a presentation.
California is working on a fall conference and
inviting doctoral students to come and do poster presentations. Darling Hammond is their State Teacher
Credential Person who recommends administrator performance expectations. They no longer have opportunities for
teachers to just take an exam in order to get an administrator certification. They will be hosting NCPEA in 2014 in Channel
Virginia has 19 institutions that have educational
leadership programs. They are loosely
organized. They have two meetings each
year. They are realigning their
competencies and had to send all their syllabi to the state to make sure the courses
connect with the state. They have a new
principal evaluation instrument. They
are working on the superintendent assessment.
They have some in-service during each meeting.
Alabama has 14 institutions in the state that have
educational leadership programs. They
have planned activities for the year.
They have started advisory councils to discuss issues that impact the
programs. Their fall meeting had record
attendance. They also have a spring
conference with more graduate students presenting. They will have a journal published in spring
2014 by NCPEA. They publish two
newsletters each year. They are working
with the governor who has started to use their organization to insure that
memos are sent to all institutions.
The next scheduled NCPEA State Affiliate Meeting is
planned during the California Summer Conference to be held on Friday, August 8,
2014 from 8:00-9:15 am on the campus of California State University – Channel
Islands in Camarillo, California. So,
come for the Continental Breakfast that morning at 7:30 am, and then share your
state’s information with others in attendance.
If this review of NCPEA’s State Affiliate information
appears to be of value to circumstances occurring in your location, please
consider talking with other institutions in your state, taking a look at the
Arkansas Professors of Educational Administration’s website, and start a joint
effort to meet the challenges facing Educational Leadership Programs of Study.
Carleton R. Holt
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