Eileen S. Johnson, Ph.D.
Department of Organizational Leadership
Oakland University
Rochester, Michigan
Department of Organizational Leadership
Oakland University
Rochester, Michigan
As the state affiliate, Michigan Association of Professors
of Educational Administration (MAPEA), works diligently to prepare for the 2016
NCPEA conference in Detroit, I find myself reflecting more frequently about the
challenges and opportunities of urban education – challenges faced by Detroit
schools as well as urban schools throughout the United States and beyond. In particular, school closures have plagued
urban school districts across the country, especially in low-income communities
While declining school-aged populations is
often cited as the primary reason for school closures, broader concerns of
school funding and resource allocation inequities, a movement away from
neighborhood schooling options, and market-driven approaches to schooling
challenge the ideals of public education.
For example, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder recently presented a strategy
for reducing and ultimately eliminating the debt now carried by Detroit Public
Schools by creating a new entity – Detroit Community Schools http://www.michigan.gov/snyder/0,4668,7-277-57577_60279-353475--,00.html.
The idea is to keep both the millage and
the old debt encumbered with DPS and shift operational funds to the new DCS
entity. However, the plan does not
adequately address reasons for the debt incurred by DPS in the first place –
nor does it address issues of funding and resource inequity and quality of the
teaching/learning environment. Indeed, there are significant social justice
issues at play when considering the issue of school closures and those
populations most affected; urban school closures affect primarily low-income Black
and Latino students and families, creating “ school deserts” in many urban communities
in which families are now hard-pressed to find viable educational alternatives
for their children. http://www.msnbc.com/melissa-harris-perry/what-happens-when-kids-lose-their-schools.
And despite the common assumption that
privatizing “failing” schools based on for-profit business models will provide
a viable solution to the problem, this assumption has generally not borne
out. For example, Muskegon Heights
Public Schools, a district that served primarily low-income Black students on
the west side of Michigan, was the first instance in the nation of an entire school district being shut down and
reopened under private control as a charter district. The for-profit company that won the lowest
bid dissolved the five-year contract after only two years due to a lack of
profits among other issues. http://www.mlive.com/news/muskegon/index.ssf/2014/04/mosaica_out_as_manager_of_musk.html. If such market-driven solutions are not
working in most cases, how do we restructure schooling to meet the needs of
those communities withstanding the greatest impact of school closures?
The Flagstaff Seminar: Educational Leaders without
Borders http://www.educationalleaderswithoutborders.com/ has
as its primary objective to ensure that children world-wide have the right and
means to attend school. A second
objective is “not to make schools as they exist
more efficient at what they do, but to call into question what schools do in
the first place and how they work or should work to provide greater equality to
all children and their families.”
This brings us to the question: what are education leaders to do when
the commonly accepted model of schooling fails to work effectively in urban
settings? While this question initially
formed the basis of the charter school idea in the 1970s, through which
teachers were given “charters” or contracts by their local school boards to
explore new approaches to education, the charter school reform movement in the
1990s too often resulted in schools that operated in exactly the same way as
public schools but with fewer state-level mandates and the freedom to choose
which students to admit and not admit. The
result has been competition among schools for students and funding, and in many
cases, for-profit companies taking over schools without long-term investment or
commitment to the communities they serve.
http://wgnradio.com/2014/01/23/charter-schools-problem-or-solution-for-chicago-students/. Currently, wide-spread and increasing
disinvestment in public education is a driving force behind educators seeking
alternative means and resources for operating schools. The failure of charter schools to
significantly improve the educational opportunities and outcomes of those
communities most impacted by public school shut-downs may lie not in the idea
but in the failure to adopt truly innovative and meaningful alternative
approaches to education.
However, there is some movement toward greater
flexibility and innovative models of education taking place in cities across
the nation that have been hardest hit by state mandated school shut-downs. One example is Youthbuild Philly Charter
School, http://youthbuildphilly.org/,
a non-profit organization dedicated to operating schools designed to allow
students aged 18 – 21 to complete the high school diploma after having dropped
out of the traditional high school https://www.youthbuild.org/content/eros-macto-voco. The schools, which operate world-wide, provide
students with mentoring, individualized instruction, and on-the-job training
opportunities. Many of the schools
operate by leasing space within existing facilities. Other examples include
innovative operating models that involve public-private partnerships or connect
public schools to community development. http://www.bostonfed.org/commdev/c&b/2005/winter/Public.pdf. Ultimately, the challenges faced by urban
schools are driving new strategies designed to break out of traditional ways of
thinking about schooling and providing new opportunities for educational
innovation. It is my sincere hope that,
as NCPEA gathers in Detroit in 2016, we will have the opportunity to engage in
substantive dialogue about the future of public schools in urban areas and the
role of educational leadership in pushing the boundaries of traditional
approaches to schooling to better meet the educational needs of students
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